On this Thanksgiving Day



I would like to take just a moment to wish each and every one of our forum family members the very best for the holiday.


and may you all be as blessed in your lives as I have been in mine.

Please take a moment or two to give thanks for those young folks who are far from home fighting for the freedom of oppressed peoples in other countries on this holiday. Hopefully the time will soon come when such things are no longer necessary.
Thank you.

boB in nh
Despite our own individual trials and tribulations, we in the U. S. have so much to be thankful for. I am VERY thankful that I was born in the land of the free and the home of the brave, and that my ancestors had the courage to leave their homes to migrate to this glorious country.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody. It sure is warm down here in Fla. Not like up home, heard its cold up there.
GOD Bless :lilangel:
Originally posted by rajflyboy@Dec 7 2003, 08:39 AM
Thanksgiving is Over >> Its Time for Christmas!
the last post on this subject was on thanksgiving :wacko:
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