

Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
A couple winters ago, we went 6 straight days without power. Our neighbors behind us had power, but we didn't. The entire community had power. We didn't. The Townhouses on the west side of us had power, our neighbors behind us to the east had power. But our street didn't. For 6 days. Took 3 days for Oncor to even realize we had no power- even though we all kept calling in.

Every few days, my backups keep recording 5 second outages. They're noticable, hence why I got the backups.

This morning, we lost power at 6 minutes after midnight. I promptly called the oncor reporting line. no estimated repair time.

Can't sleep without AC and a fan. So I start playing on the internet on my phone.

1:30AM. I'm tired. I call oncor again, still no estimated repair time. My phone is dying, so i plug the charger into my primary battery backup with 411 minutes remaining at 7 watts load. I pass out.

7:30AM parents wake up, no power. Dad pulls the generator out and starts the maze of 100ft extension cords.

8:30AM my lazy @$$ gets out of bed. Still no power.

10AM we figure it might be awhile, plug TV into generator

11:30AM power FINALLY comes back on

Is it me, is is 11 and a half hours of no power just because of wind just udderly inexplicable?

Oh, and it was only our street. Townhouses had power, school up the street had power, neighbors behind us had power. Our street was pitch black.

We are not pleased with Oncor ATM.

We're also asking for a full investigation for why we keep losing power, but neighboring streets don't. I'm not expecting an answer, though.
I work for a power company and on occasion we have weather related outages or outages caused by transformer failures. Usually we restore power in a few hours, depending on the cause, but 11 hours is not unheard of.
The last entry counted until I turned the computer back on. So that's why it's a good 6 hours longer.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>C:\EventViewer.exe C:\EventLog.dat
2011/05/21 01:46:21 Battery backup transferred to battery power due to a blackout.
2011/05/21 01:46:26 Battery backup transferred to AC utility power. Outage duration: 5 seconds
2011/05/24 12:47:51 Battery backup transferred to battery power due to a blackout.
2011/05/24 12:47:56 Battery backup transferred to AC utility power. Outage duration: 5 seconds
2011/05/25 03:20:41 Battery backup transferred to battery power due to a blackout.
2011/05/25 03:20:46 Battery backup transferred to AC utility power. Outage duration: 5 seconds
2011/06/11 01:03:33 Battery backup transferred to battery power due to a blackout.
2011/06/11 01:03:38 Battery backup transferred to AC utility power. Outage duration: 5 seconds
2011/06/13 23:20:44 Battery backup transferred to battery power due to a blackout.
2011/06/13 23:20:49 Battery backup transferred to AC utility power. Outage duration: 5 seconds
2011/06/20 00:06:50 Battery backup transferred to battery power due to a blackout.
2011/06/20 18:04:52 Battery backup transferred to AC utility power. Outage duration: 17 hours 58 minutes 2 seconds

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>
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