One of DW's best articles


Plank Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Deep in the heart of Texas
He explains how NASCAR and the teams work together. After all these years, I understand!

One thing I don't think many people know is that no race team works for NASCAR. We are not committed to NASCAR. The governing body of the sport provides us a place to race, they provide us with rules, provide us with officials, and they oversee the events. As a matter of fact, back in the day I can remember when we'd be at a race and before we would leave that weekend, usually on Sunday morning, we would go to the back of the big red NASCAR hauler and they take off this week's event schedule off the back of the trailer and they would replace it with a sign that read "Our next event is at ..." Basically, that was their way of saying "Here's where we are going to be next week. If you want, you can join us, we'd love to have you."

A really interesting read.
Yeah, that was interesting, but for most of us old fans, it wasn't anything that we didn't already know. DW has become such a shill for NASCAR that it almost makes him part of NASCAR. The same thing happened to Benny Parsons, but I think I understand why on both accounts. While on the whole, the article by DW might seem to be a bit critical of NASCAR, it really isn't. It is really to show that NASCAR is doing things right, in their own way. But as DW says, when a driver/team/owner signs the entry form, they argree to everything that NASCAR wants, wether it's in writing or not. And, the real main point I believe of the article is to show that in today's shows, it's the sponsors that really pull the strings with the different teams, not NASCAR. But there is one thing that could be critical of NASCAR and that is the contracts they insist on with the track owners. But again, it's the track owners who end up agreeing with those contracts that is the problem.
I have heard lately, DW being critical of NASCAR. He may have been just sticking up for his brother, but he was all over Nascar for to many changes to fast among a host of smaller things. I do not recall the program, but it was one of the prerace deals. Duane
DW and Tony Stewart are birds of a feather. They both pontificate on various things to raise interest then fold like a house of cards when NASCAR takes them to task.

After reading what DW wrote in the article posted here, am more convinced DW is sucking up, polishing apples and trying to do anything he can to remain in good stead with NASCAR.
Ole Buck is right on with his response, mostly old hat, yesterdays news and pointing out, DW is a butt kisser.

If luck truly has a role in racing, maybe ole DW and his silly chant of "boogity, boogity, boogity" will go away from the announcers booth, taking Mikey and "Horse-laugh" Kenny Wallace with him. A quality replacement would be Kyle Petty.
Kyle tells it like it is, but does it as a gentleman without the need to recant his comments, unlike so many of the others.
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