One upmanship, lmao



Posts from another forum. OP had mentioned replacement of the schools boiler, they're in mid-Michigan.

This morning it was 46 degrees in my wife's classroom.

Tell them to put a coat on and quit whining

Back when I was in school, we had 1 small wood stove for the whole building. and an outhouse with no running water

Our school didn't have heat. We had to clean the snow off our desks before we could start school.

So you had desks then? We had to sit in the dirt

Sit? You guys had it easy. We had to stand all day. On our hands. In the mud.

You had hands? ours all were removed because of the frostbite from it being so cold

At least you got your hands removed. We were forced to let them fester and so we lost our arms too.
And it'll continue.:)
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