Thanks for taking the time to look at this post.
I am in the midst of starting a brand new performance parts website. I am not going to tell you the name of it because it would be against the rules of this board and I think it also is not right. So a few questions:
What is important to you when purchasing from a website?
Does free shipping make your purchase from a website?
How much is your avg purchase?
I would appreciate any and all comments. Thanks for your time.
I am in the midst of starting a brand new performance parts website. I am not going to tell you the name of it because it would be against the rules of this board and I think it also is not right. So a few questions:
What is important to you when purchasing from a website?
Does free shipping make your purchase from a website?
How much is your avg purchase?
I would appreciate any and all comments. Thanks for your time.