Patrick vs. Kanaan


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
A little bit of Danica drama before her move to NASCAR.....

MOTEGI, Japan — It’s been unusually warm in Central Japan this week but that doesn’t come close to the heat Danica Patrick is feeling from recent comments she made about safety concerns in Japan and criticism of Brazilian drivers.

Patrick expressed dismay and surprise that her recent comments have been so controversial. She defended her concern about the safety of competing in Japan because of the massive earthquake that struck the country in March and the ensuing Tsunami that contributed to a partial meltdown of a nuclear reactor in Fukishima — located about 90 miles from Twin Ring Motegi.

But her comments about “driving like a Brazilian” has drawn a strong comeback from former Andretti Autosport teammate Tony Kanaan.

During a media availability prior to last Friday’s NASCAR Nationwide Series race at Richmond, Va., Patrick said, “I didn’t start like a Brazilian driver and go out ‘Whoooo’ and hit everything and figure it out later. I started out much more patient with other drivers and patient with myself and respectful.

“Now I’m much more of the attitude — and it’s probably because I have fenders these days — but much more of the attitude that ‘Don’t mess with me. I will hit you back.’

“I’m a fan, too. I’m a consumer. I love to see fights. I love to see crashes,” she said. “I love to see drivers being honest with their emotions and letting everyone know what they think.”

Those comments were answered in kind by Brazilian driver Kanaan, who posted on this Twitter account on Wednesday — “She didn’t start like a Brazilian because she is not capable of such a thing. Never will be.”

Full story here.

Al least she didn't go all 'Kurt Busch' on the reporter when confronted with her own statements.
The writer realizes Kannann isn't her teammate anymore right?
The writer realizes Kannann isn't her teammate anymore right?

I'm sure he did, as it was right there in the article:
But her comments about “driving like a Brazilian” has drawn a strong comeback from former Andretti Autosport teammate Tony Kanaan.

I love TK's response though:D

“She didn’t start like a Brazilian because she is not capable of such a thing. Never will be.”
i love tk as a driver and would pick him to drive for me any day over danica. i also think danica is a very capable driver but don't expect much more. i do wish she'd lose the macho attitude. it just doesn't fit.
I started out much more patient with other drivers and patient with myself and respectful.

Yeah, 'cause nothing says respectful like saying someone drives "like a Brazilian." Whatta freaking witch. I hope she gets the crap beat out of her in NNS. With a attitude like that she's going to be put into the wall MANY times next year.
Myself, i don't mind seeing a postrace altercation because it shows the passion drivers have for this sport of autoracing but I couldn't disagree more about seeing wrecks, I personally would rather a race was run caution free than a race filled with wrecks. Everytime there is a wreck that is a possibility that someone could get seriously hurt or killed. As far as Brazillian drivers, I find it very irritating that she would make such a remark, to what incident or incident(s) is she throwing all Brazillian drivers under the bus like that. Brazil has made a major contribution to CART, Emerson Fittipaldi was without a doubt probably one of the best CART drivers ever. Even if I were a race driver with an absolutely astounding resume of success, I would never say such a thing but especialy if I myself still had yet to prove myself like she doe's. 1 Victory in CART & a top 5 & couple top 10's in Nationwide leaves no room to say anything negative about someone else or for that matter an entire race's driving style...
Okay...let me clarify my previous post. When I say "beat the crap out of her" I meant as in go a lot faster on the track - and just that. Not actually get into an altercation. Sorry. I do not wish to see her or anyone else on a track wreck or get into a fight - ever. I could have worded that post much better and that's my fault.

However, if anyone thinks she isn't going to get put into the wall a number of times on purpose by other drivers a number of times they are smoking the good stuff.
I reckon it was a cheap shot at Milka Duno....who Ms Patrick prolly doesn't realize is Venezualan
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