Second week in a row they got beat like a red headed step child on a rented Govt. mule,,, Life is good,,,,
Second week in a row they got beat like a red headed step child on a rented Govt. mule,,, Life is good,,,,
It couldn't happen to a nicer coach
what would they be saying if kraft fired him? my guess is kraft would be crucified by the press and the fans. i don't like the patriots or belichick but they are proven winner's.Sports radio stations in Boston want him drawn and quartered, hung, poisoned, electrocuted etc.
Kraft isn't one to suffer fools lightly. Somebody will pay for going for it on 4th down and a iddy bit two weeks in a row and failing two weeks in a row. Plus a defense that hasn't shown up game day lately.
It won't happen immediately but come off season look for major changes.
I am NOT a Pats fan and I'm having the time of my life busting my friends who are.