Patty Kay Answers Question


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Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
This lady is one FINE columnist at Insider Racing, also known as "The Lady In Black". I find her columns facinating, to the point and honest.

From her most recent..........

How Distribution of Purse Money Works
An Opinion


By Patty Kay

June 30, 2006

I bid you welcome, gentle readers. Before entering into this week’s topics, it has once again been brought to my attention that folks are sometimes amazed when they respond to this column through email and receive an answer from the writer. Coming from what can most certainly be described as “old school,” I feel it’s only polite to answer someone that has taken the time to express his thoughts on any given subject. If you write to an Internet writer and don’t receive an acknowledgment, then shame on that person. Please note; I do not include in that category writers from the print media whose columns are copied over to the Internet from magazines, newspapers et al. Those are the folks making the big bucks and their time is more than filled with their jobs.

The reason for bringing up that thought today is that I received not one but two letters from a reader named Stephen, the first concerning the topic of last week’s article, and the second expressing profuse thanks for answering the first, then going on to ask a question.

His question was about something he said had confused him for a long time, probably because it’s one of the most confusing things in NASCAR to figure out…or explain. We’re talking about the purse money for any given race, and the distribution numbers that you see printed in your daily newspapers after the race.

He also wanted to know how much of the purse went to the driver, team owner, crew chief, crew, etc. The answer to those questions is complicated, but I did my best. Here then, for those of you that have wondered about the same thing, is my answer as written to Stephen.

• Wow Stephen, you start right out with the tough stuff. I know the answers, but the explanations might be as clear as pea soup.

Read the rest
Kat, you would like Ron and Connie Felix who run that site. I've met them before and Ron told me that I could write a column for the site, and gave me some tips. I thought about it for a while and then told him thanks, but no thanks. I like to be able to throw in a rumor or two or three and with all those who read his site, I'd be chopped liver before it was over. :)
^ sounds like you're afraid of what people might think eh?
hey now i dont mean it in a bad way, so dont get at me
Maybe you should think about what you write then. I can tell you this, if you should ever decide to write for a national audience, you'd better be right in your facts as well and not question someone who has something to say. One day you might learn that lesson. Til then, I'm not worried about what you think of my postings or writings. But I might just comment on what you have to say, as you can as well on mine.
Buckster, I LOVE that site and maybe you should take them up on the offer!
You could write articles entitled something like "Truth & Rumors" or "CB Says" and others would LOVE it!
kat2220 said:
Buckster, I LOVE that site and maybe you should take them up on the offer!
You could write articles entitled something like "Truth & Rumors" or "CB Says" and others would LOVE it!
No way Jose, and besides, that was more than a few years ago that Ron offered me that offer. I'll just stick to these types of boards and have my fun here.

I've been fortunate enough to have been able to meet some of these kinds of people here and there, and I really have enjoyed chatting with them. I met Ron and Connie up in Martinsville some years back through a mutual friend. I had known him "online" from the very early days when both he and I were on Prodigy. While he is still part of that group, I've moved on. :)
The Prodigy forum is still alive, and much improved, but I rarely visit cuz I prefer Racing-Forums.
I'm still in touch with Patty and CC via email tho.
kat2220 said:
The Prodigy forum is still alive, and much improved, but I rarely visit cuz I prefer Racing-Forums.
I'm still in touch with Patty and CC via email tho.
Yeah, I'm well aware of that. Ron told me that because I was a former Prodigy member, I could get access to the forum, that and the fact that I know the moderator of the forum. I'm a member of that board, but seldom go there. This was at a time before I'd found r/f and was in dire need to shoot the bull with other racing fans. Ron told me about the prodigy forum and when I told him that I was no longer with Prodigy, he told me that as long as I had been a user, he could get me hooked up. I was tickled to finally find a place to chat with other fans, but I very soon after, found r/f and the rest is history.
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