Pennsylvania just added $.71 tax to every pack of cigarettes.



And if they think I'm paying it they're off their rocker. I stocked up over the weekend before the increase took effect. I figure I'm good to go for a few weeks, but then I'll have to make a road trip south. Which state has the cheapest smokes? Right now we're at $3.60 - $4.00 per pack.
I don't smoke but my hubby does...............they are almost 5 dollars a pack here in california, and the governor wants to raise the tax and make the cigerettes go up to 7 dollars........
They have been at over $4.50 for about a year now here in MA.

I quit for a while and started back up again...will be quitting very soon again...once they throw this next hike on.
Wow man, they're expensive everywhere! Prices per pack in NY are about $7. NJ is about $5 and PA about $4. Maybe I should quit my job and just start running cigarettes to the North.

Found this site, wonder if it's legit?
the internet is the best place to shop I can always find a cheaper price of something on the net rather then going to walmart all you have to do it find it
Yah, definitely don't come to NY for cigarettes. A colleague shocked me by informing me they were going up to $8 a pack.

Which leads me to wonder if your money wouldn't be better spent smoking something else. ;)
And I remember saying I was going to quit when cigs went to $5 a carton!! aloooooooooong time ago.

The only problem with the online stores is that they don't carry my brand.

I'm now paying $28 a carton in Atlanta.
Man, I quit shortly after they went up to over $1 a pack. I thought that was way too much money to pay to die such a miserable death. Seeing my father-in-law renewing his wedding vows on his 40th wedding anniversary (because they knew he would not be around for a 50th) with his oxygen tube on and his tank at his side told me I made the right choice. Emphysema has made him a prisoner in his house for several years. He can't even go anywhere because if someone is wearing perfume, he can't breath at all.
I know EXACTLY what you are saying, 4xchamp. I have lost an Aunt and an Uncle to Lung Cancer. Mom lost 1/3 of a lung and Dad had emphysema.

Some of us will never learn, myself included. I am a stupid kitty:(
I hope that didn't sound preachy. It wasn't intended to be. My brother says there is nothing worse than a "reformed" anything. I can see his point at times.
i dont mean to sound higher-up either, but you'd think caughing up your lungs, getting chemotherapy (sp?) losing all your hair, being too weak to move, and an early death would be enough of a smoking deturrent, but now they jack the prices to the sky and people STILL smoke, whats it gonna take to get the message across?? BTW, they're about 3.50 a pack down here
Its a fact cigs are worse for your health then weed, the only reason its not banned is so many people smoke.alchohol isnt much better then smokeing..
Boy I sure am glad I never smoked in my entire life............

such an expensive habit...I'd rather go shopping for a new purse then waste my money on cigerettes......:p
I just quit 2 1/2 weeks ago and so far so good. Except i have taken up another bad habit. Lets see how much food i can eat in 1 day. Not sure which is worse lol. Well just means more money for my diecast habit:) . Everyone have a great day
North Carolina (where I live) has the lowest cigarette taxes in the east. This is where most of them are made. We raise the tabacco too. I wouldn't be much of a field trip to stock up.
Thanks Tiny. I might be going to the October Charlotte race. Maybe I could stock up for the winter then.
I don't smoke but my roommate does and he's paying over four bucks a pack for them right now. And they are about to add a sin tax to raise them even higher. Oh yea, I'm in Tennessee.
I quit 10 years ago this spring after smoking for 30+ years.

At an average $3.00 per pack, 2 packs a day, that comes to around $21,840 saved.

At $6 you save $43,680

Nuff said??:mad:
over here in DE, they are anywhere from 2.79 a pack to 3.50 a pack. they were as high as 4.00 a pack for a couplea weeks there. they are trying to add a 1.80 tax to them in jan or something like that. that is nuts!
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