Pet health insurance



Anyone have it? Looking for a company recommendation.

My little girl, Naja (translates to little sister) had a emergency vet visit last night.

The horses have some sort of major med thru some association my daughter belongs too and pays for. But with 2 dogs now,,and the possiblity of my son getting a third plus the 2 cats seriously thinking we need it.

DeNiro and Red, horses
Gracie and Turbo, cats
Chief Brodie and Naja, dawgs
All rescued.
Appreciate your help


i'm not going to be a huge help here but i will say i think now-a-days with how expensive it is to take them to the vet, having pet insurance is a great idea.
we checked out pet insurance in jersey in 00. didn't get it because it seemed really high and we've really only needed it with one pet. unfortunately they wouldn't accept him because he'd already been diagnosed with epilepsy and wouldn't cover him. like human insurers, they only want to insure healthy pets. bandyt (one of our cats) has been on phenobarbital since he was a kitten. can't put a dollar figure on his med bills but it sure would have been nice if he was covered.
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