I'll be glad to try to help you Dee Dee. What exactly are you doing? or not doing may be the better question?
To post a picture within your written post, you need to do one of the following:
1 - If the picture is on YOUR computer's hard drive, scroll down on "enter your post" page to where it says Browse... You click on that button and find the picture on your computer that you want to post. Once you have found the picture (must be a jpeg, jpg, gif, bmp) file on your computer, then you click open which transfers the location to your post. If you are done typing your post, click on the add reply button. You should see your picture come up in the post.
2 - You can also attach a picture using the IMG button above when you are in the "enter your post" page. You have to click the IMG button before and after the internet location of the picture. (I'm not really familiar with this process).
FYI, I usually copy the picture from the internet onto my hard drive, then insert it into my post.
Right mouse click on picture, click on "save picture as" and be sure to save as a jpg,gif, bmp, jpeg. You can also use Paint to resave you pics as one of these files. Then follow the instructions in #1.