Pink Eye



How long does it take for this to set in?

My eye has been bothering me for a few days and someone said it might be pink eye.

Does it happen right away or does it come on for a few days before finally officially being pink eye?
That's ok I just hope that's what it is and not something else.
Some of the early symptoms are shying away from breast cancer fund raisers is what I have heard. :p
pink-eye (conjunctivitis) should cause your eyeball to turn a pink to red color almost uniformly. The eyelids may also feel irritated. Most likely there will be some type of discharge.

IF the redness is more isolated or the color is a dark red I'd go see a Doc now.

If the eye or eye lid feel real sore, go get it checked now.

IF this does not go away in a week, go get it checked.

We have some more knowledgeable folks than me that post here and they may be able to tell ya more. Whatever, don't wait around to long to get it checked.
Gave you what little I know.

Try this link for a bit more. Or just do a Google search and you'll get more hits than you can read.

Pink-eye Link
Sorry I missed your post while I was replying to that other guy.

Thanks for the info...
Pink eye is a highly contageous infection in the conjunctiva of the eye ( the white part). If not treated, serious damage can be done. Please see a doctor as soon as possible to have it evaluated. Eyedrops and antibiotic ointment can clear the condition in about a week. Please remember not to touch your eyes and to wash your hands frequently. This will help to contain the spread. And yes, it can be spread from one eye to the other just by rubbing the effected eye. Hope this information helps.
TD Nascarwoman is a nurse so take her advice.:) Hope it clears up man.
Originally posted by pbunch
Some of the early symptoms are shying away from breast cancer fund raisers is what I have heard. :p

PB, I think you hold the record for being the person that's made me cough up my after work beer all over my screen more than anyone else has!!

Gosh....maybe we should hold a pink eye telethon, to raise awareness of this horrible condition.

Naw, we'd just annoy a bunch of people who are sick of hearing about it.

Why do you come to a racing discussion site for health information? Ever heard of Google? WebMD?

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