please boycott



please do anything to get the message to NA$JOKE that you dont like what is going on
give me a break. you really think boycotting is going to do anything?

You know, Nascar does make good calls, but sometimes they are human and make bad calls too. I'm not happy with them, but they are the part of any sport. It's hard to take into consideration what call(s) 10 million other people watching you want to make, sometimes you just have to make a judgement call. It's not always right, but that's the way it goes.

So by boycotting nascar, you are going to accomplish what now?

Hope it works out for you. I'm going to continue to watch racing b/c i love the sport, and i'm not going to let a bad call here and there diminish my love for nascar racing as a whole.
Im sorry I have a problem beleiving it was just a mistake, when the same people that get into these judgement calls get away with them, and the same people get punished for them.
Most of the people that go to talladega are jr fans and nascar knows it.

I dont think that the sport is scripted like the wwf, but I do beleive that they use some rules to influence the races.

If that was stewart, or harvick, they would have been black flagged.
The only way to get Na$car's attention is o boycott their official sponsors. You know: "Scott: The official a**wipe of Na$car". E-mail the sponsors and tell them you will not buy their poducts unless they complain to Na$car.
The only Na$car knows is $$$$$$$$.
I will agree with your last statement. It upsets me to think that if my favorite driver had made the same move Jr. did, that the resulting call might have been different.

Whether it was a mistake or if they were reacting on their best interest, boycotting will still do crap. I'm not giving up on my sport just because of one call.

I suck it up and deal and look forward to the next race.

Im not gonna go back over the years, bust just the last 2 weeks theres been 3.

Thats just plain rediculous.

The kenseth gordon deal, Vickers, and now this deal with jr.
Boycotting is not going to do anything. Like I said before, if you boycott by not buying a ticket or whatever, somebody else will. NASCAR is rolling in money and they don't care if they lose a few fans here and there.

Notice how most Jr fans were ok with the call.
Notice how many Jr fans there are.

NASCAR did what was in their best interest. Just imagine the storm the fans would have kicked up if they had black-flagged him. It looks bad for NASCAR if the majority of fans are mad with the outcome.
Tiny, I don't know why you would say a thing like that. Boycott the sponsors? Sponsors are what drive this sport. Sponsors are what pay for each of those teams to be out there every week. Sponsors have real people behind them and real employees that have real familes.

Why should you boycott products just because nascar made a bad call? The sponsors had no say in that call, they merely sponsor the sport. I'm sure they don't look forward to bad calls like any of the rest of us do, because it makes the sport look bad that they are investing in, which makes them look bad.

Wow, one bad call and people want to ban everything from nascar to sponsors.

Hey, if anyone is boycotting nascar and they are holding onto Bristol tickets, can I have them? :D
I dont know why you keep repeating one bad call, have you been under a rock the last decade?

This last call was just the tip of the iceburg
Exactly 66mustang. It sickens me to think how nascar might have been protecting their best interests. I can only hope that wasn't the case.

By the way, I still agree with the Vickers call, so i can't agree with that being a bad one.
Tip of the iceberg or whatever. Nobody was getting this riled up last week.

I'd rather be under a rock than throwing them. Keep you insults to yourself, smack.
Originally posted by smack500@Apr 7 2003, 12:31 PM
Im sorry I have a problem beleiving it was just a mistake, when the same people that get into these judgement calls get away with them, and the same people get punished for them.
Most of the people that go to talladega are jr fans and nascar knows it.

I dont think that the sport is scripted like the wwf, but I do beleive that they use some rules to influence the races.

If that was stewart, or harvick, they would have been black flagged.
Is this the same as say michael Jordan, kobe bryant, or Shaq getting all the calls in the NBA or say Micheal Irvin in football??
The same thing did happen to my driver at the Daytona 500 and they black flagged him. But Jr. who can't do anything wrong gets away with it.
Originally posted by rpmallen@Apr 7 2003, 01:49 PM
Tip of the iceberg or whatever. Nobody was getting this riled up last week.

Because Jr wasn't involved.

Get a life people...its over and done with. Nothing will change it.
We know Nascar made two bad calls in two weeks. But do we boycott football, basketball or baseball because they make two or three bad calls in one game. I don't think so. Next week it will be a new thing to debate. So on to Martinville.
I'd never boycott Nascar all you crybabies go and band together and unify your voice if you want to be heard.....the rest of us will watch the racing. :lol:
Originally posted by Dinoforthe3@Apr 7 2003, 04:03 PM
Is this the same as say michael Jordan, kobe bryant, or Shaq getting all the calls in the NBA or say Micheal Irvin in football??
No, those guys are the best in their sport.
Bye the way just for the record I agree in no way in boycotting nascar. I do think some things need to be changed but it hasnt gotin that durastic.

Ill just stay away from rp tracks as long as they continue to have the problems they do.
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