Please help a UT advertising student interested in racing!!
I am a senior advertising major at the University of Texas at Austin. I am taking an Advertising Campaigns class and our client for this semester is in auto racing.
I have made a short 10 question survey (3 questions are demographic) that takes no time at all to do! It is an opt-in survey, so if you would like to fill one out, email me at [email protected] and I will send the link to you.
Any and all information you have to give will be greatly appreciated and used to further my research. Thank you so much!
I am a senior advertising major at the University of Texas at Austin. I am taking an Advertising Campaigns class and our client for this semester is in auto racing.
I have made a short 10 question survey (3 questions are demographic) that takes no time at all to do! It is an opt-in survey, so if you would like to fill one out, email me at [email protected] and I will send the link to you.
Any and all information you have to give will be greatly appreciated and used to further my research. Thank you so much!