Please take 30 seconds, it could save a life



I lurk here a lot, don't typically post. Most of you don't know me, but I would like to share my story. My father was a mail carrier and he was killed 4 weeks ago. He was walking his route after dark and was struck by an SUV. I have since been notified of an online petition to permanently stop all after dark deliveries nationwide. I was hoping that you all could take 30 seconds and sign the petition, and please ask everyone you know to do the same. My only goal is to save another family the anguish that mine has been through this last month. Thanks all
I signed it and I am deeply sorry for your loss
I feel for your loss
May Happyness find your way again

I have signed your petition
I signed a few days ago after my friend told me about her Dad.

Prayers to you and yours.
I am very sorry to hear of your loss. I will gladly sign and hope this can make a difference.
Sorry for your loss. I signed in hopes that no one else will have to suffer the loss of a loved one.
Thanks for the support everyone. Hey Buckaroo, be extra careful out there!!:)
bevy, I've seen some very familiar email friends of mine have signed too! I spread the word whenever I can, but understand buckaroos position.
I am surprised at the # of USPS employees who have signed tho!
Originally posted by bevy#3
Thanks for the support everyone.  Hey Buckaroo, be extra careful out there!!:)

Again, sorry for your loss. Our job has many dangers and people just don't think about them. Of course, dogs are a primary danger, but in 20 years carrying the mail, I've only been bit once, and that was very minor. I've had many more other things that happened to me that were much worse. Hey, even humans can be dangerous to us.

All around the country, they have already started to bring people in before dark, but there are times when it can't be helped. The pitition is a wonderful idea and quite frankly, I hope it works, but unless there are millions and millions of signatures, I doubt anything will officially be done. Keeping everyone on alert is our main goal now.
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