
Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
When everyone is doing their Christmas cards, please consider sending one to:

A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20307-5001
Typical Government.....I sent 2 cards there and I got them "return to sender" last monday....4 months later WTF:( Anybody else?
Typical Government.....I sent 2 cards there and I got them "return to sender" last monday....4 months later WTF:( Anybody else?

I could probably help you with this, but I figure that you've already made up your mind, so there's no need for an explanation. Sorry for your problems. I hope it never happens again, but as a USPS employee, I can assure you that what happened to you happens all the time, rarely, but all the time. If you consider how many pieces of mail is handled each and every day, two pieces are but a pimple on the rear of the devil, if you get my drift. If they gave you an explanation as to why they were returned, then you should be able to fix the problem. If not, then you've got a gripe, but that's not saying that you'll get a good explanation, or even any explanation. Just keep in mind that sometimes letters get lost in the smallest of places. And, if you had something in those letters worth something, like a check, know that it was returned to you.

I gotta get outta here. I'm so ticked that I could choke a horse and I can't even get my arms around one of those, unless it's one that I rode when I was kid, and that was a broom. I guess that will work, but what would Hillary think of me for choking her ride? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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