Pocono weather

Count qualifying a wash out. Flood Warning in effect at Pocono Raceway with rain expected to continue to downpour for the next two to three hours. :mad:
Hmmm, good point. Sorry, I believe that the field has been set five times according to points this year.

As far as the number of times they try to get qualifying in, it doesn't matter much to me.
Hmmm, good point. Sorry, I believe that the field has been set five times according to points this year.

As far as the number of times they try to get qualifying in, it doesn't matter much to me.

just checked...i think its 6.

I think they should at least try one more time to get it in. If you dont get it after 2 tries, set by points.
Seems like it may be lucrative to be an umbrella salesman over there on the right side...:rolleyes:

You got that right, don't think I've ever seen it rain this much from April to August. If it continues like this through the winter we are really in trouble.
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