Benevolent One
Team Owner
There were three police crusiers at a house a couple doors down from me and across the street when my son and I started watching. They have since brought in a police SUV and a police van. They arrested a teenager and an old man who live there after they were there a few minutes. They've since changed those two and another guy they found in the garage into striped convict clothes and put the three of them in the back of the van. I guess they did that to keep their clothes for evidence? The last vehicle had a drug sniffing dog that they just took back to the garage. Several cops have changed into white evidence gathering type outfits. They are now bringing all kinds of bags from the garage. My son just overheard one of the officers saying something they just found made the charges "federal". This is not looking good for the bad guys. This teenager has been a neighborhood troublemaker for a long time. It doesn't look like he will be around much for the next several years now.