Political question?

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  • All of the time?

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  • Most of the time?

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  • Half of the time?

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  • Almost half of the time?

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  • Some of the time?

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  • very little of the time?

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How ethical are our politicians? In my opinion, very little of the time. If their nose worked like Pinochio's they would need to get a nose job every week.
The problem with politics is that's the way the game is played. The way the system is, it doesn't matter how ethical the politico is, the opposing party will make him/her look like the biggest liar and thief on the planet. Power is what is really at stake and there are no boundries when it comes to power. The winner's take all and the losers run for the hills and try to regroup. I really hate the system, but it's the best in the world because of the freedom we have.
Ethical politicians, jumbo shrimp, hot water heater nothing but OXYMORONS.
i agree with 84.. except i have a little more faith in our politicans. i say half the time. except in campain(sp) years, then some of the time
Boy, this could be a can of worms.:) I didn't vote on the poll because there is no absolute answer or choice. Although, there are and have been pols that were without doubt unethical (corrupt), most pols consider themselves honest and eithical........I mean they absolutely believe it.:) It's a definition thing for them ("depends what the meaning of 'is' is"). Actually the constituants of the politian define what is ethical and what is not ethical..........and example: I think Senator Robert Byrd is unethical (sorry W. Virginia folks:) ), but obviously the good people of W. Virginia think otherwise.....he helps his constitutes by his politics (which I consider unethical with all the "pork" he adds to bills and legistlation at my expense......why? Because I don't benefit):D I also think there are absolute honest and ethical politians..........but many would argue about that.:)

In short, there ain't no answer to that poll.:D
I think Bush is a very moral and ethical man, but I know better than to think anybody (especially a politician) is beyond bending the truth when they need to. Politics is inherently a very dirty business and you can not get very far if you can't get a little dirty when you need to. Most politicians however, I don't find to be anything more than liars, cheats, and reprehensible human beings. Clinton was morally eclectic. Which would seem impossible, but he took it to an art form. And simultaneuosly permanently damaged the credability of the office.
I know I should know more about this stuff but I don't. :(
Originally posted by 66mustang
I know I should know more about this stuff but I don't.  :(
It can be very confusing and aggravating too. But you really should learn at least enough to vote responsibly.
Originally posted by 66mustang
I can't vote yet.

But one day (soon, I think since you said you just got out of high school) you will be able to vote........you should know a little about who you are voting for.:)
I would love to Vote Responsibly but for the last few elections it seems all you do is vote for the lesser of two evils. Not so much voting for someone that you think can do some good, but voting against someone that you feel would do more damage.

Let's face it the real leaders in this country are not going to run for office. They are going to lead industries and be rewarded much better. In these positions they can hire lobbist to sway the politicans in the direction they want. I feel most politicans listen to the money, very few listen to the people and if they do then they are outnumbered.
What I find amazing is how politicians complain about the opposition and how dirty they are. In Maryland for example Bob Erlich complained about the lousy job the Glendening/Townsend pair were as governor/Lt. Governor. He claimed some ethical problems existed.
Now there are claims a friend and political donor allowed Bob Erlich the use of a helicopter at half price for vacation trip for him and his family. To me this could prove to be unethical especially if favors are paid to the copter owner. The copter owner might have dealings with the state government.
Plus on CNN they had a annual pole about peoples feelings for politicians and they dropped some 10% from last year.
That is was I posed this question.
i feel very confident with the people we have and are going to have in office here soon. i dont want to think this, but i believe they may exaggerate a bit sometimes to get what thjey want. at least now, it will be better for the country, and not just a group of people:)
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