Poor Labron


Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Nov 14, 2002
Winston Salem, NC
I'm surprised no one has even mentioned the Cleveland loss to Boston. I'm anything but an NBA fan, but I do know that many, many people were looking for a final with King James against Kobe. Now the big question is, will he stay or will he go. :)
most other players i'd say he will be gone. lebron seems to have that rarest of qualities in an athlete. he genuinely appears to love the area, seems loyal and would like to bring a championship there. that aside, i'd love to see him go the bulls or pistons.
Many of you know I live in Akron, LeBron's hometown. I drive almost right by his house(if you can call the beautiful compound he lives in a house) on a weekly basis. I'd love to see him stay in Cleveland.

But, as a lifelong Cleveland sports fan, I kind of expect him to bolt. Longtime sports fans around here are about 98% scar tissue at this point, but the remaining 2% is angry, bitter and defeated.

We can still get excited about a local team that does well, but we do so with guarded hearts that are always waiting for the other shoe to drop and crush our dreams again. The odd thing is that we wear this as a kind of badge of honor. Living through our history leaves you feeling like a survivor.

I think I am a little more objective than many people around here when it comes to this situation though. While I really, really do want him to stay, I just hope we can at least work out a "sign and trade" deal if he decides to leave.

I am grateful for the chance to watch him play here for the last 10 years or so. Yes, I am including his high school games, many of which were on local, and sometimes national, tv. It is a truly rare thing to have a kid from your hometown grow into the best player in his sport and watch him do so on your local sports franchise.

I would really hate to see him go, but I would certainly respect his decision to do so. He is a grown man who has done an awful lot for this area. If he decides that somewhere like Chicago gives him the best chance to win a championship, I will understand that. They have a great nucleus with Derek Rose and Joakim Noah and LeBron grew up rooting for the Bulls as Michael Jordan was his idol. I get that, I really do.

I just hope that he does decide to stay and help us get our first world championship in almost 50 years. That would mean an unbelievable amount to this city. If he does, we could still keep our badges, we could just pin them on our world champions t-shirts. ;)
I'm surprised no one has even mentioned the Cleveland loss to Boston. I'm anything but an NBA fan, but I do know that many, many people were looking for a final with King James against Kobe. Now the big question is, will he stay or will he go. :)

I think David Stern would rather have a Celtics-Lakers matchup, more money in TV revenue. Plus this is quite a rivalry going back to the Magic Bird era.
I think David Stern would rather have a Celtics-Lakers matchup, more money in TV revenue. Plus this is quite a rivalry going back to the Magic Bird era.

It looks like he might be getting one too. Boston just won the first two games in Orlando. That means that Orlando will have to win 4 out of the next 5 games and 3 of those five will be in Boston. I just don't see that happening.

The Lakers on the other hand just crushed Phoenix in game 1. The Lakers are just too big for Phoenix to handle inside. They've got no answer for Gasol, Bynum, and Odom.

The finals should be interesting.
WHOA! Shocking news out there now. Questions now arise whether Labron might stick around in Cleveland because of his mother. Haven't seen her, but is she hot? Looks like Delmote West thinks so! Now I wonder why the left leaning sports press is not saying anything about this.
WHOA! Shocking news out there now. Questions now arise whether Labron might stick around in Cleveland because of his mother. Haven't seen her, but is she hot? Looks like Delmote West thinks so! Now I wonder why the left leaning sports press is not saying anything about this.

I've heard this rumor a few times myself. I doubt it is true though. It seems like something somebody would make up. Delonte doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would do this to a teammate.

Gloria James is pretty hot. I'm pretty sure I heard she was like 16 when she had LeBron, I could be wrong about this though. She did a lot of drugs over the years and left LeBron with other people while she did her thing for much of his youth. She got in trouble a few years back when she was picked up by the cops for something she was doing in a local housing projects. I spent a lot of time there growing up, and it is not a place to go unless you are looking for trouble. It may have been for drunk driving, but I could be wrong. She tried to (or did, I don't remember) kick a window out of the squad car she was in. I'm sure this was a proud moment for LeBron as he was already well into his pro career at that point.

Delonte is a really good guy who has some serious mental health issues. He missed most of training camp and several games this year because he was being treated for mental issues. He also has charges pending for being picked up carrying several guns, including a shotgun he had in a guitar case strapped to his back, and speeding down the highway in Maryland last year. Gloria certainly seems to like bad boys, so I can see where this rumor may have started.
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