Praise Report


Team Owner
Jun 12, 2002
North East, TN
Some of you know that I have a handicapped child and that she had some very serious surgery Jan. 18th. Well, we have been sitting up with support, then we would sit her up and she would sit alone, she's done great. Well last night for the first time since Jan 17, she sat up all by herself from a prone position to sitting position. This will not mean much to some of you, but it means the world to us. She was very excited and proud of herself. We made a major deal out of it. (imagine that) All of the therapy we have done has finally paid off. Thank You Lord. This has been a very long 6 months.
I thank the ones that have been praying for us all these months. This has been a very rough 6 months for her. (all of us)
Congratulations to you and your daughter! I'm a special ed teacher and I too believe that every acheivement, no matter how ordinary it may seem to someone else, should be celebrated. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers :)
ajk112802 said:
Congratulations to you and your daughter! I'm a special ed teacher and I too believe that every acheivement, no matter how ordinary it may seem to someone else, should be celebrated. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers :)
Thank you. :)
I know that is so special to you and your family. What great news to the rest of us. BTW, most of us take for granted the smaller things in life that are just so mundane. I remember once watching Alan Alda as Hawkeye Pierce in MASH mumbling on and on trying to stay awake after a head wound and he talked about the human thumb and the various things we do with it without thinking. I often think about that bit when I do various things, sitting up would be one of them.

Congrats on this wonderful feat.
Nice To know the little tyke is coming through it. Ill be praying for you all.
Kellogg, I am so happy to hear this! She must be proud too!
I keep you and yours in my thoughts and paryers. You are a special Mom!
Thank you Kellogg, and you are in my prayers every day. Mike is getting a prosthetic for his foot and can now stand on the leg. A Physical Therapist comes 2X a week and he has a whole bunch of exercizes to do daily.
The important thing is his attitude, which is "YES I CAN AND WILL".
How wonderful a sight that must have been! Please tell her to keep up the good work!
I'm one of those that didn't know of your child. That is great news. I wish you and yours continued progress.
Thoughts and prayers to you and your family :)
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