Prayers are needed for a little girl



This saddened and made me mad at the same time. This was on the local news last night and it just sickened me that this little girl had to go through this :( :angry: Be warned the dog is killed and the little girl may not make it, it's a graphic story

(HODGENVILLE, Ky., April 28th, 2004, 4 p.m.) -- A 4-year-old girl remained in critical condition at Kosair Children's Hospital Wednesday after being attacked by a pit bull at her home in LaRue County Monday night. The LaRue County Sheriff says it's the worst dog attack he's ever seen. WAVE 3 Investigator James Zambroski reports.

Emily Stinnett remained in critical but stable condition Wednesday at Kosair Hospital after undergoing emergency surgery. She was surrounded by family members as well as questions over what triggered the family pet to turn into a vicious attack dog that nearly mauled Emily to death.

LaRue County Dep. Sheriff Russell McCoy said the dog apparently tore off part of Emily's scalp. "Kosair Children's contacted the Sheriff's office and advised us that in order for the child to survive, we had to find the missing piece to the scalp."

Emily Stinnett was playing on a swing set in the backyard of her dad's home at the time of the attack. The family pet, a pit bull, was chained to a stake nearby when the dog's chain tie-down pulled out of wet dirt.

Police say the animal struck without warning. "When the stepmother came around to check on the little girl, the dog had already attacked her," said Sheriff Bobby Shoffner. "The mother was unable to get the dog off the child."

Frantic, the mother drove to a neighbor seeking help. Paramedics and LaRue County Sheriff's officers soon raced to the scene.

Neighbor Pam Lynott described what happened next. "The ambulance stopped in the road and asked me if I called the ambulance, and I said, 'no.' And then I heard screaming from next door."

LaRue County Dep. Sheriff Russell McCoy arrived shortly thereafter. "The dog had already retreated to his dog house," McCoy said. "He (Emily's father) told me that the neighbor had shot at the dog and told me that the dog was very aggressive and for me to put it down, so I went ahead and put the dog down."

When a search of the property failed to turn up the little girl's scalp, McCoy says police came to a grisly conclusion. "I couldn't find any evidence, not even a hair. So then Sheriff Shoffner decided that the dog probably had consumed it."

With Emily's life hanging in the balance, the officers did what they had to do. "Since the dog was deceased, we went ahead and opened the dog up and found the missing part of the girl's scalp in the dog's stomach."

Shoffner called it "the worst dog attack I've ever seen."

Police officials said it was too early to tell if any charges would be filed in the case. The LaRue County Health Department planned to test the dog for rabies on Wednesday. It will take about 10 days to get the test results.

I love animals but would NEVER NEVER have a pit bull with a child in the house. JMO but why take the chance?
Please keep this little girl in your prayers, it's amazing to me what children can live through. I'm adding the little 18 month old that Bowtie posted to my prayer list too. Makes me want to hug mine close and never let them go :(
Poor little thing. Hopes and prayers go up. I just don't know what it is about Pit Bulls. I would't have one. I had a neighbor that had one. Every time I mowed the lawn it was trying to get over the fence at me. I carried a hachett when ever I mowed. :angry: If it came over the fence I was gonna split it's skull.
Yet another reason to outlaw the breed :angry:

She is in my thoughts and prayers :lilangel:
How many people have to go through this before parents see the danger in having those things around kids :huh:
They just did a update on the little girl. She is still in critical condition but getting a little better. She held a sippy cup today and talked a little to the family.

I can't stand these dogs and sure hope they will outlaw them.
Shady, thanks for the update. :lilangel: I won't go near one of those dogs, they scare the hell out of me!
one chased me when I was 6 months with Cameron. I just made in the door and closed it when he got on the porch! :angry:
How terrible....she is added to my prayer list as of now....sounds like she might be pulling through from the update!

I'm a cat lover and like some dogs....but pit bulls are definately not one...they should be outlawed but wouldn't that make them more desirable from the jerks that have them now?
watch over and protect her !

and it's not the dog, it's the stupid people that have inbred them till they are a walking time bomb.
have any of you been around a thoroughbred race horse ? i have 2 and they are the most unprediticable animal on the earth, why INBREEDING !! so don't blame the animal blame the human race for being so stupid
Originally posted by de7xwcc@Apr 29 2004, 10:23 AM
watch over and protect her !

and it's not the dog, it's the stupid people that have inbred them till they are a walking time bomb.
have any of you been around a thoroughbred race horse ?  i have 2 and they are the most unprediticable animal on the earth, why INBREEDING !! so don't blame the animal blame the human race for being so stupid
I blame the people for owning such a stupid animal, they should have never had one there with a kid in the first place. When I bought a dog I got a miniature schnauzer, BECAUSE I HAVE KIDS!!!!

Do you think your thorough race horse will attack and maul a kid???? of course not, there's a difference.
you evidently have never been around thoroughbred horses, as i said the are the most unprediticable animal on earth, they will kick and bite for no apparent reason, trust me on well placed kick can and has killed before. It's not the animal is the stupid people that are continually interbreeding

let's just hope she will be alright !
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