President Bush and the war

Thanks for the link to that article, Bowtie.

I find it quite profound that an advisor to President Clinton would feel strongly enough to compose something of that nature.

It also surprised me somewhat to see President Clinton on television last week, 60 Minutes I think, condemning those who were protesting against the war. He was quite emphatic that President Bush should have the support of ALL the citizens of our country during a time of war, that simple political party differences needed to be set aside until that war was won. It gave me a bit more respect for Bill Clinton the man, as well as Bill Clinton, our past President.
Very well said. He is exactly the right man for the job at this very moment in time. I shudder to think what would be happening if the morally bankrupt Bill Clinton was still in office while all of this is going on.
I would be terrified if Al Gore was the person in charge at this time in the history of our country.
Not because of any party affiliations, but simply because of the man's complete lack of character, direction, and intellect.
But those are qualities best left for someone else to discuss.
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