Price is Right


Team Owner
Sep 16, 2001
Boston, MA
Just turned this on for the first time in a long time...what happened to that announcer Rod Roddy or whatever his name was?
I can't find for sure that he did, but I did find this article, Don't know when it is from though.

Price Is Right's Rod Roddy Back in Experimental Treatment

In a story airing on a number of local CBS affiliates Wednesday, The Price Is Right announcer Rod Roddy announced he is in an experimental treatment program for a recurrence of colon cancer.
Roddy was hospitalized a year ago for surgery after being diagnosed with the illness. Burton Richardson took over his announcing chores at the time.
In the story, Roddy said contracting the cancer was "likely my own fault" for failing to have a colonoscopy screening regularly past the age of 50.
Roddy will be at the mike when the new season of Price launches next Monday but will be absent from shows which will air in late October and early November.
Roddy told reporters he hopes to be back at the slot he has held since 1986 "within two to three weeks." He will be profiled in a special on cancer next month on
I don't think he has died. I think he has retired bc of his health
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