Prius Rant


Secret Agent Man
Apr 6, 2005
Southern California.
Every non-Prius vehicle sold in L.A. should have a large, factory-installed, red, “No Prius” button up high, in the center of the dash board. This button would only be used in the event that you come up behind a Prius while driving on any California road or highway. When pressed, the button would launch a Prius-seeking missile from the center of said equipped vehicle that, upon impact, would disintegrate every Prius related molecule, thus clearing the highway ahead.
Every Prius-related molecule includes the tree-hugging, whale-saving, granola-eating, conventional, unobtrusive Prius pilot. They are easy to spot. They travel at 37 mph, regardless of whether they’re on a surface street or highway and regardless of which lane they’re in on the highway. They’re hands are at 10 and 2 and they have a fixed, straight ahead gaze. They are generally dressed in khaki Dockers, penny-loafers (no socks) and a sweater (or worse a sweater vest.) I’m already suspicious of someone in So Cal that owns a sweater; but a sweater vest? Wow.
Other than that, my commute home was pleasant and uneventful. Thanks for asking. :)
Good thing you don't have to drive in bad weather.You probably would have strangled the guy with his sweater vest.Wait probably hard to do that without sleeves.Maybe that's why they wear them.:dual9mm:
Just put "I hate prius's" on your quarter panel above the exhaust pipe. Bonus points for diesel.

And get a mirrored version for your front bumper. Bonus points if your bumper is at their rear-view-mirror height.
Is it still a Prius if you drop an LS3 in it?
Every non-Prius vehicle sold in L.A. should have a large, factory-installed, red, “No Prius” button up high, in the center of the dash board. This button would only be used in the event that you come up behind a Prius while driving on any California road or highway. When pressed, the button would launch a Prius-seeking missile from the center of said equipped vehicle that, upon impact, would disintegrate every Prius related molecule, thus clearing the highway ahead.
Every Prius-related molecule includes the tree-hugging, whale-saving, granola-eating, conventional, unobtrusive Prius pilot. They are easy to spot. They travel at 37 mph, regardless of whether they’re on a surface street or highway and regardless of which lane they’re in on the highway. They’re hands are at 10 and 2 and they have a fixed, straight ahead gaze. They are generally dressed in khaki Dockers, penny-loafers (no socks) and a sweater (or worse a sweater vest.) I’m already suspicious of someone in So Cal that owns a sweater; but a sweater vest? Wow.
Other than that, my commute home was pleasant and uneventful. Thanks for asking. :)

People that wear sheep scare me..................... hell people that do anything with sheep scare me :laugh:
People that wear sheep scare me..................... hell people that do anything with sheep scare me :laugh:
Well I have a wool blanket from the, now defunct Faribault Mills. They made blankets since the civil war but they couldn't survive the 2008 flop :(
Nothing like a wool blanket or a Pendleton shirt; but a sweater?!!
Well I have a wool blanket from the, now defunct Faribault Mills. They made blankets since the civil war but they couldn't survive the 2008 flop :(
Nothing like a wool blanket or a Pendleton shirt; but a sweater?!!

Well you dont really wear a blanket so I guess thats ok Bobby ;)
Every non-Prius vehicle sold in L.A. should have a large, factory-installed, red, “No Prius” button up high, in the center of the dash board. This button would only be used in the event that you come up behind a Prius while driving on any California road or highway. When pressed, the button would launch a Prius-seeking missile from the center of said equipped vehicle that, upon impact, would disintegrate every Prius related molecule, thus clearing the highway ahead.
Every Prius-related molecule includes the tree-hugging, whale-saving, granola-eating, conventional, unobtrusive Prius pilot. They are easy to spot. They travel at 37 mph, regardless of whether they’re on a surface street or highway and regardless of which lane they’re in on the highway. They’re hands are at 10 and 2 and they have a fixed, straight ahead gaze. They are generally dressed in khaki Dockers, penny-loafers (no socks) and a sweater (or worse a sweater vest.) I’m already suspicious of someone in So Cal that owns a sweater; but a sweater vest? Wow.
Other than that, my commute home was pleasant and uneventful. Thanks for asking. :)

I thought I was the only one. Everytime I'm held up anywhere, a Prius is the culprit. Thank you for this. I do love granola, however.
I'm thankful that not everyone drives a 16 mpg V-8 as I do or the price of fuel would be through the roof.
When you hand over your testacles they give you your sweater vest.

Is this the vest they hand out? Although the guy on the right looks more like Prius material...

Jeez, I've been passed many times on the Interstate by Priuses that were flying! And I usually drive over the speed limit myself. I don't think that every Prius driver is a slow-moving pansy. But I won't dispute that a lot of them do drive slowly. They're doing it to conserve gas, not because they're wimps.

However, you are right to complain when they drive too slowly and hold up traffic - even become traffic hazards. But I find plenty of those types driving regular cars too. (Although not muscle cars or pickup trucks.)

Crazy thing in my area, they put governors on school buses and then allow them on the Interstate. Can't go over 45 mph and then allow them on roads with 65 mph speed limits! Periodically we have accidents and near-accidents because of this.
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