Probably a silly question


Plank Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Deep in the heart of Texas
But would you spend $737,000 on this?

High-end Las Vegas night club Drai's is reopening after a yearlong renovation and its new menu offerings go way beyond your normal ****tail choices. According to Next Shark, along with your typical specialty ****tails you can also order The 737 for — you guessed it — $737,000.

Just what exactly does The 737 entail? It includes 100 bottles of Dom Perignon Brut Luminous, 1 Armand de Brignac Ace of Spades Midas, 1 Armand de Brignac ACE of Spades Rose Nebudchanezar, a 210 second firework display, and (how could we forget?!) a private 737 jet charter for up to 50 people.

If you had an extra $737,000 sitting in your bank account, would you order The 737?
If I was a millionaire, I would.

This is chump change to those folks who can actually afford it.
$737,000 to somebody worth $1 billion (i.e., somebody who would actually buy this) is like $7 to somebody who has $10,000 saved. Chump change, as Reck said.
i wonder if the super rich would even go for it?
i wonder if the super rich would even go for it?
Some probably, but a lot of the super rich remain super rich through sound financial practices, not by blowing money on things like this. But at a point, this wouldn't even be considered blowing money; to a billionaire this is like buying a meal from mcdonalds. Crazy, huh?
and the man who lives above me only get 25.00 for his plane rides, and it comes with bud lights
Just more proof that some people have more money then brains. Just sayin'.
I could see a couple of NBA players or a team going together on something like this, or maybe even somebody like a Dwayne Wade or another athlete who wants to show off how much money he has doing this as well. They would be the man, or the men, of the hour for a while and they would get a lot of mileage (no pun intended) out of the story being retold for years to come. Of course, many of these morons end up bankrupt, so you know choices like this are made quite often.
money. too bad we all need it. I have sometimes thought of what I would do if I won the lottery.

I would for sure buy a nice 4x4 truck, but other than that....I dunno.
money. too bad we all need it. I have sometimes thought of what I would do if I won the lottery.

I would for sure buy a nice 4x4 truck, but other than that....I dunno.
I'm the same.....a nice vehicle but I'm pretty content with the nothing I have...:)
money. too bad we all need it. I have sometimes thought of what I would do if I won the lottery.

I would for sure buy a nice 4x4 truck, but other than that....I dunno.
I'm with you guys. I've thought about that myself. I've thought about a nice house, but maintaining it sounds like a lot more work than I'm up for at this point. I could definitely see several nice guitars and maybe a few nice guns and a serious safe to keep the guns in.
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