Problem in my neighborhood



Okay, so I live in what you would call a medium sized town in Kentucky (which translates into small town in bigger states). The house across the street from me is home to a known drug dealer and his family. Along with his family comes roughyl 20-30 "friends" that drop in and out steadily throughout the day. This is a problem for two reasons 1.) lots of cars parked haphazardly in the road and 2.) shady characters in my 'hood.
For the most part, some police "drive bys" have started keeping the cars down to a minimum, but this brings mostly pedestrian visitors.
Anyway, the past two nights, my dogs have started going apesh*t around right after I go to bed, around midnite. Usually, this means its another dog, a stray or whatnot. Last night, it was the cops and they were shining lights at the drug house for around 15 minutes, looking in the windows of the cars parked in the driveway, then they left. (I know people were home for a fact). Tonight, as I was getting ready for bed, same time, the dogs started going nuts. So I lifted up a blind slat on my window to peek out...what do I see? Someone right in FREAKIN FRONT OF MY WINDOW...I dropped the blinds, ran to the "home security system" (a bat) and went to the front window to check the action. I find that its three cops this time, with three cop cars and they are shining flashlights all around at all the houses and backyards, including mine. So I watched them do this for a few minutes before they started doing the "I dunno, man" thing with their hands. I looked back when I heard a car and found that one had left and the "family" across the street were all out on the porch.
I have deduced a few things.

1.) They are looking for someone (probably with a warrant)
2.) he has been at this house the past two nights around the same time
3.) he has managed to escape
4.) they must know he's going there for a reason
5.) they don't care WHY he's there
6.) he wouldn't be there if he coudln't get what he wanted from there
7.) I am completely unaware of this obviously dangerous character who has been roaming my neighborhood at night and possibly going in my backyard.
8.) No one is planning on making me aware of this situation
9.) the cops don't care about the drugs over there
10.) they must be in on it, perhaps this "neighbor" of mine is an informant or something
11.) its scary as hell to peek out your window and see someone in front of you, even if it IS an officer of the law.
12.) I'm totally and utterly pissed off about this incident and need some advice.

First, does anyone have any idea what might be going on in all of these situations? Does anyone know what I should do?

And if I've used any questionable language in this, please edit and forgive, I'm shaking like a frozen duck right now and somehow, I'm supposed to go to sleep.
Be a pain, and call 911 every time you or the family see or suspect suspiscioucs activity!
Go over there yourself and ask to buy something considered controbanned (like weed) and how much $$, then become a confidential informant.
Is there a neighborhood watch? If not, organize one!
Talk to your Councilperson about your concerns!
If it weren't so late, I'd come up with more.
Why don't you just call the police and ask? Call the station and see if they have a crime analyst. Talk to him/her and see if he/she can look up the calls for service at that address.

Don't go over and ask to buy drugs.....most rediculous advice I have ever heard. And also, I highly advise against assuming the cops "are in" on anything....Find out some information first.
Just what Fergy said.

Write down license plate numbers, time of day and description of occupants and turn those over to the police.
By all means call the local or county law enforcement officials, invite them to come over to your house for a few visits in plain clothes and their personal vehicles to see for themselves what is going on.
Find out who owns the property and contact them, let them know that they are renting to drug dealers and advise them that the neighbors will simply not tolerate that type of activity.

This worked in our neighborhood.
kat2220 said:
Go over there yourself and ask to buy something considered controbanned (like weed) and how much $$, then become a confidential informant.


Stay the hell away from this residence. Do not go over there if it catches fire. Leave the police work to the police. They have training, bullet prof vests, radios, all sorts of things you don't have.

If you go over there and "buy weed", you have broken the law and placed yourself in jeopardy of being arrested. Particularly if the police are already watching this residence.

As far as you are concerned, the house across the street does not exist. Got it?

Confidential informant is a dangerous undertaking. They are chosen by police officers BEFORE they go "buy weed". You have no idea how deadly that advice can be.

As to the canvassing of the neighborhood, call the police and relay your concerns about that and that part ONLY. They know their job better than you or anyone else on this forum, trust me. Let them do it; they do not need you. Just tell them you are concerned because ...and explain the window incident. Ask nothing about the house across the way. Stay out of it.

I may not be a cop, and have no desire to be one, but my job affords me more access to police activity than the average bear. These people may appear to you to be inept at times. They are not. They are highly trained, underpaid, underappreciated people who risk their lives every minute of every day to keep the rest of us safe. The very least you can do is let them do their job. If you let them know the window incident startled you, they will take the appropriate steps. That's all you need to be woried about right now. If the drug activity continues, make an anonymous call from a phone booth. But for the love of all things sane, DO NOT TRY TO GET INVOLVED IN THIS. You have no idea what all the police may be investigating there. Where there are drugs, there are guns. Big ones. The kind that shoot really fast. Keep your tail at home.

Good grief.
Oh yeah, i wasn't planning on doing that. Today I just called the non emergency line and mentioned that I was pretty freaked out by last night's incident, they referred me to the guy in charge of this sort of thing. He wasn't there, but I just left a message saying something about how I was just concerned about people being so close to my house and it making me worry about there being unwanted types in my backyard. I ain't stupid, though, so don't worry about me.
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