Public Enemies

Benevolent One

Team Owner
Jan 1, 2007
NE Ohio
I watched the movie Public Enemies last night with my son.

We liked it quite a bit. Johnny Depp is probably the best, and most versatile actor of his generation. He certainly didn't disappoint as the main character John Dillinger. There were a lot of good actors in it. I didn't care much for Christian Bale's acting in the movie. He just doesn't seem like a real person in pretty much anything I've seen him in. He always just has that Soap Opera look of deep contemplation on his face all the time.

I heard a lot of critics didn't like it. The only way I could see somebody not liking the movie is if they went into it with the idea that it was going to be something different than it was. It was a gangster movie. A lot of people get killed, the good guys are chasing the bad guys, and there is often some type of love story woven through it all. The "bad guys" have some likable qualities and the "good guys" have some pretty dispicable qualities. I thought this movie did a better job than most of exploring those qualities on both sides, particularly when it came to J. Edgar Hoover and several of the policemen.

If you like this type of movie, or even Johnny Depp, then you would probably really enjoy this one.

Has anyone else in here seen it?
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