

Ward Burton

Today my brother and his soon to be wife, Amy, were at a local Wal-Mart and looked at a group of 5 black lab dogs. They thought about getting one, but decided not to. Later me and Amy were driving out to get someone, and we saw them running in a field. We stopped the car went back...and grabbed 3 of the 5. ( The other 2 were hiding ) We came back and got the other 2 finally, and now I am going to have 2 dogs, and the other 3 we are giving to relatives. I hate It when someone has the nerve to go and dump new puppies out on their own in the middle of nowhere!! :angry: But anyways all 5 are asleep in my house, and every one of the dogs have eaten some dog food, and had about a gallon of water!!!!!!!! :)
I'll take one!! I want a dog, but that won't happen untill I move out. My sister was attacked by a dog (rotweler)about 3 years ago and now is scared of dogs.
That's just sooooo mean!! Don't you guys have local dog shelters over there???? Ours are fantastic...take care of them really well and even take pics of each animal to advertise them over the net for someone who might be looking for one.

I have a new puppy and they can be a huge handful but they just bring so much joy and love to a house, if trained properly also ;) :)

Well done to you ward! And good luck! :) main thing...have fun!! I'm sure you'll find them some great homes.
Originally posted by Tiger@Jun 22 2003, 06:43 AM
That's just sooooo mean!! Don't you guys have local dog shelters over there???? Ours are fantastic...take care of them really well and even take pics of each animal to advertise them over the net for someone who might be looking for one.

I have a new puppy and they can be a huge handful but they just bring so much joy and love to a house, if trained properly also ;) :)

Well done to you ward! And good luck! :) main thing...have fun!! I'm sure you'll find them some great homes.
We have an animal shelter, yes but this guy had the nerve to go and dump them by themselves!!! :angry: Like I said, I am going to have 2 of the dogs...and my aunt got 1 of them, so 2 to go.... :)
We have givin away 2 of them, and just today, we found out that 2 of the pups have Parvo. :( It is a serious disease, and they have a 50/50 chance of surviving, If we do surgery. It will cost much though. The guy that dumped them I guess, never gave them the shots, and we think he dumped them because he knew they had the disease. :(
Unfortunately Parvo is not a prolonged disease, it hits a dog and they usually don't survive 24 hours. It is sad to see, I used to raise rabbit dogs and I have seen it a few times. I have seen dogs die two days after getting a parvo shot. I have saved a dog or two that ended up with parvo but it is not easy, makes for a long night.
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