Push to Pass


Stamos Cozy
Aug 11, 2011
Corpus Christi, TX
I am not a huge Indy fan. I will watch a race here and there. So what is everyone's thoughts on this "push to pass thing"? I guess it is cool, but it feels too video game like to me.
I think it's complete BS..... but then again it's Indy so whatever. I agree, it sounds like an option that should be available on the XBOX 360 or Playstation3.
I am not a huge Indy fan. I will watch a race here and there. So what is everyone's thoughts on this "push to pass thing"? I guess it is cool, but it feels too video game like to me.

When I first heard about it I said it's real racing not a video game so it's not a good thing.
I dislike "gimmicks" in motor racing.

The P2P thing is the dog's bollocks.

Just like the stupid DRS thing in F1.

I'd rather not have it, but I can live with it. It's just like F1 with KERS and DRS. I guess they had to try something to make it easier to pass, and it's not as extreme as the button they used to have in Champ Car. I would hope that's something they eventually get rid of as they move away from generic cars though.
i'm waiting for brian to hear that there is such a thing and bring it to nascar. more racing excitement! <g>
Push to pass? Sounds like a bodily function.

Actually, Nascar has it's own version of push to pass as Harvick demonstrated on Johnson at Fontana earlier this year.
Its funny that the same people that dont like this option in indy car are the same ones saying they want fuel injection in Nascar. Either you have a conventional low technology series or you have a high tech one where skys the limit. In between is just a waste of time.
"Push To Pass" :mad: Whatever happened to "Suckin it up" and "Stickin it in there" or "Goin in a lil deeper"
I just realized all my phrases could also be titles to 70's porn movies :rolleyes: Not intentional :D
Its funny that the same people that dont like this option in indy car are the same ones saying they want fuel injection in Nascar. Either you have a conventional low technology series or you have a high tech one where skys the limit. In between is just a waste of time.

I don't totally agree, BC. Just because NASCAR will have fuel injection doesn't mean that it is a high-tech series!

And if the horsepower derived from utilizing the P2P button is available, why not just have it available all the time and eliminate the gimmickery of it all?

BTW, Flash, I like "Goin' In A Lil Deeper"
bow-chicka-bow-wow :growl:
I don't mind it, it was kind of cool on road course but ovals it's lame. You can't really do a bump and run to another car in an Indy car so I can see where it would be benificial on the last lap or so.
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