Put your hand on your monotor and repete.....




1) I will NOT get bad luck, lose my friends, or lose my mailing lists if I DON'T forward
an email!

2) I will NOT hear any music or see a taco dog, if I do forward an e-mail.

3) Bill Gates is NOT going to send me money, and Victoria's Secret doesn't know
anything about a gift certificate they're supposed to send me.

4) Ford will NOT give me a 50% discount even if I forward my e-mail to more than 50

5) I will NEVER receive gift certificates, coupons, or freebies from Coca-Cola, Cracker
Barrel, Old Navy, OutBack SteakHouse or anyone else, if I send an e-mail to 10

6) I will NEVER see a pop-up window if I forward an e-mail. NEVER-NEVER!!

7) There is NO SUCH THING as an e-mail tracking program, and I am not gullible
enough to think that someone will send me $100 for forwarding an e-mail to 10 or
more people!

8) There is NO kid with cancer through the Make-a-Wish program in England
collecting anything! He did when he was 7 or 8 years old. He is now cancer free and

9) The government does not have a bill in Congress called 601B (or whatever they
named it this week) that if passed, will enable them to charge us 5 cents for every
e-mail we send.

10) There will be NO cool dancing, singing, waving, colorful flowers, characters, or
program that I will receive immediately after I forward an e-mail. NONE, ZIP, ZERO,

11) The American Red Cross will NOT donate 50 cents to a certain individual dying of
some never-heard-of disease for every e-mail address I send this to. The American
Red Cross RECEIVES donations.

12) And finally, I WILL NOT let others guilt me into sending things by telling me I am
not their friend or that I don't believe in Jesus Christ. If God wants to send me a
message, I believe the bushes in my yard will burn before He picks up a PC to pass it
on! And my friends already know that I love them - whether or not I respond to or
forward an email.

Now, repeat this to yourself until you have it memorized, and send it along to at least
5 of your friends before the next full moon or you will be constipated for the next
three months. :p
We must remain pure in thought, mind and deed.

P.S. This message has been passed on to _______ users
Hey BudGirl, where had ParkHere been lately? I haven't seen her around.
Now that is what needs to get forwarded. isnt it funny how family members are usually the ones that give you this stuff the most.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by pbunch
Ya,Don't loan your family money,and Don't open there mail.:p

yeah, and then that one email comes in evry three months that you needed to read and you just trash it. then you ask and they say didnt you get my email. ive been there. :eek: more than once.
I have an aunt that sends me everything imaginable. Never any news about the family or how she's doing. And always with 9,000 addys and hundreds of forwarding >>>>>>.

Ahhh....I see now. That must suck to have your connection watched every day that your at work. Good thing they don't have that at my work.;)

I'm usually only on here during the day so I guess that's why I haven't seen much of her. She seemed really cool when I was talking to her a couple of weeks ago. Guess I'll just have to get on a little more during the evening if I wanna talk LOTR, FF and racing with her.

Thanks for letting me know BudGirl. Appreciate it.:)
TRL, my mother does the very same thing. She once asked me about one of the millions of "jokey" emails she forwards me regularly, and I couldn't recall it. I tried to explain how you not only annoy people when you mindlessly forward them emails every ten minutes, but that a *good* letter can get lost in the shuffle when you send 10 or so at a time.

She'll never learn. In the meantime, I'll just keep on deleting... :rolleyes:
Hasn't Dale Jr. been seeing Sheryl Crow lately? Seems like I saw something about that on T.V. the other day. Or at least they were mentioned together.
I didn't even know she had a new video out. Guess I'll have to keep my eye out for that one to see what kind of part he plays in it.

Don't ya think she might be a little old for him?(Not that it's any of my business) Shouldn't he be with someone about your age BudGirl?;)
I know she had Plastic surgery to fix that Mr Ed look she had.She was a school teacher in St Louis before she got famous.Maybe she can teach Dale Jr.how to subtract the moochers from his arse. :)
Yes she did,Take a look at some old pictures vs new,She looks great now,I liked her before though.Maybe she didnt want anyone to know her age by her teeth.:p
Thanks for posting that link, Budgirl. I was having the darndest time finding it myself. :)

However, it sickens me that Dale Jr. is in that video. He looks very cool and all, of course, but I think he needs to spend less time hanging out with pop stars (I hear he'll also be in an Eminem video??!) and more time honing his craft at the racetrack. Besides, it only gives bashers more fodder for their hate. And, this time, I think it's justified.

Sorry to get off track... :eek:
Originally posted by Budgirl
Warning - once you get her started on LOTR, good luck stopping her! ;)  God am I going to pay for saying that!!  LOL

Believe me, you will pay! bwahahahahaha! And I see you're trying to corrupt TRL too...tsk tsk tsk. Although, if you can send a certain driver my way, I might just forget I read your comments in this thread. ;)

Hi BC! It's like BG said, I can't surf from work so have to settle for evenings and weekends and the occasional mental health afternoon. :)

And to bring a little LOTR into this post :)
here is a link to a wonderfully funny site with some Mines of Moria deleted scenes. Enjoy!
ParkHere, that link is just silly. Did you spend all day setting up your action figures to set that up?:p

As far as the Sheryl Crow video goes, I thought it was terrible. Very much so.

I need one of those "mental health" afternoons. Looking at the computer all week is making me crazy.:crashcomp
As to LOTR, Blockbuster has a good deal (if you rent movies). You buy a rental card good for 10 rentals for $24.99 and you get LOTR free when it is released. :)
That does sounds like a good deal. I'm gonna have to go and check that out. I'm sure that ParkHere ordered her copy about six months ago. Seems like I remember her telling me that she ordered a special release version. Not sure though.
Originally posted by B.C. - 24
ParkHere, that link is just silly.  Did you spend all day setting up your action figures to set that up?:p  

LOL! I don't have enough patience to set all that up. The guy who did it says he will be adding additional scenes, but I imagine it will be a while before he finishes.
Maybe just from here...............................................



I'm just funnin' y'all, carry on.:D
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