Question for all?



I was wondering if my sig was too big and slowing some of you guys down? If it is i will try to re-size them down some. (I don't know how so some help would be nice:) ) If I don't re-size it i will lose one of them!!
Yeah, why do you need two of them? your signature is bigger than your posts that's kind of pointless.
I'm not a fan of pics in a sig anyway. Granted I'm on a t1 so it doesn't matter, but a sig should just be a quote or some interesting text, not pictures...
TO me a Sig is something that will help people recogize you. I thought it was no problem, but i guess that was bc i am on a cable modem.

SO is this better?
I still would like to know how to downsize a picture for future use.
oh ok i don;t think i have anything like that. I have the microsoft paint thing that comes with the computer would that work?
I worked on mine in PhotoImpact. Go to formet, and down to dimensions. Lower left corner where the size image of width is right over height is where you can shrink the image. IF you have photo impact that is.
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