Question for Kat 2220



Hey Kat,

Knowing that you're from just south of Boston, do you by any chance remember Arnie "WOO WOO" Ginsberg and his "Night Train Show" on WMEX?
Not sure what made me think of that after all these years but for some reason he and Freddie Cannon popped up from some dark corner of my demented mind. You do remember Freddie Cannon don't you?
I don't think that I'm that much older.
:D :D :D
Sure do remember, and WMEX was my station of choice way back then. AND Freddie Cannon "Am I Right"
I even remember "BikeWeek" in Laconia:) or was it Bike weekend? whatever, do you remember when WGBH first started up? I think it was the first Public Broadcasting TV channel in the US.
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