


I am in a heated dissusion with a friend of mine who reckons I can be effected by a virus if i visit forums??/ Is this true, if so how true. She reckons it is more likey I'll get one through the forums more so than email???
To my knowledge, unless you are downloading something, it's pretty unlikely to get a virus on your computer anywhere. The resident computer expert in this household is fast asleep, but that's my understanding.
I have never heard of a virus from a forum (so far), but I'm no expert.

If you are at all concerned, check out
They have a great deal right now on Norton antivirus and McAfee.
I use Norton and LOVE it, plus my ISP just added it free and is the only ISP I know of that has done that.
You can probably get a virus by running some program downloaded from a site you are appelates can do it I suppose. But, for the most part, websites are not going to give you a virus by simply visiting them. If you download a file or program from a site and then open or install that file, sure you can get a virus.......but that's pretty much like the email thing. You still have to open or install something to get a virus. People are generally more cautious about opening things from a website, so emails are more likely to be a source of a virus you may get. Just use a good anti-virus program and you would be safe as you can be (as long as you keep that anti-virus program updated). But, you can't be 100% sure about could happen even with all precautions taken. Just browsing a site would not put you in danger......not at this time anyway.
Rallygirl......check this site out. A wealth of relatively impartial information about internet security......and it's pretty easy to read too (not much technical mumble jumble).:)
You have to consent to download something. Just going to the site won't cause a thing. Unless of you course you set the default to always download filed without prompting, then you could get a virus.
thanks guys...I thought as much. I have got an anti-virus program already. No one would visit forums or web sites if that was the case!!:satisfied
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