1. Take off my skin -- I won't cry, but you will! What am I?
2. The more it dries, the wetter it gets. What is it?
3. You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?
4. Which is correct: 18 plus 19 is 36. Or 18 plus 19 are 36?
5. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?
6. What gets whiter the dirtier that it gets?
7. How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?
8. Some months have 30 days, some months have 31 days; how many have 28?
9. What can burn the eyes, sting the mouth, yet be consumed?
10. What travels around the world yet stays in one corner?
11. How is it possible to shave three times a day and still grow a beard?
12. Is it physically possible for you to stand behind your mother, and for your mother to stand behind you at the same time?
13. What is harder to catch the faster you run?
Scroll Down for Answers
An onion
A towel
The telephone
Actually neither is correct - 18 plus 19 is 37.
A chalkboard
Once, because after you subtract it's not 25 anymore
Every month has at least 28 days.
A stamp.
If you were a barber, you could shave other men three times a day and still grow your own beard.
Yes, if you stand back to back
Your breath
2. The more it dries, the wetter it gets. What is it?
3. You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?
4. Which is correct: 18 plus 19 is 36. Or 18 plus 19 are 36?
5. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?
6. What gets whiter the dirtier that it gets?
7. How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?
8. Some months have 30 days, some months have 31 days; how many have 28?
9. What can burn the eyes, sting the mouth, yet be consumed?
10. What travels around the world yet stays in one corner?
11. How is it possible to shave three times a day and still grow a beard?
12. Is it physically possible for you to stand behind your mother, and for your mother to stand behind you at the same time?
13. What is harder to catch the faster you run?
Scroll Down for Answers
An onion
A towel
The telephone
Actually neither is correct - 18 plus 19 is 37.
A chalkboard
Once, because after you subtract it's not 25 anymore
Every month has at least 28 days.
A stamp.
If you were a barber, you could shave other men three times a day and still grow your own beard.
Yes, if you stand back to back
Your breath