Don't count your money just yet, ya'll. Too many late night postings I guess, but I figured out what happened with the two #25 cards. Just before my computer crashed and burned I made a copy of the card set in its entirety and that encluded a couple of alternate ones. They're really is two #25 cards. Welcome to the wacky world of card collecting.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the real #26 card. When they closed the refridgerator door sized valve covers on this one the doors had four spark plug leads going into them. Another Hemi-Howler-Ray Nichols style.
Don't count your money just yet, ya'll. Too many late night postings I guess, but I figured out what happened with the two #25 cards. Just before my computer crashed and burned I made a copy of the card set in its entirety and that encluded a couple of alternate ones. They're really is two #25 cards. Welcome to the wacky world of card collecting.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the real #26 card. When they closed the refridgerator door sized valve covers on this one the doors had four spark plug leads going into them. Another Hemi-Howler-Ray Nichols style.