Race Card #26(for real this time)




Don't count your money just yet, ya'll. Too many late night postings I guess, but I figured out what happened with the two #25 cards. Just before my computer crashed and burned I made a copy of the card set in its entirety and that encluded a couple of alternate ones. They're really is two #25 cards. Welcome to the wacky world of card collecting.

Now that that's out of the way, here's the real #26 card. When they closed the refridgerator door sized valve covers on this one the doors had four spark plug leads going into them. Another Hemi-Howler-Ray Nichols style.
Bobby Isaac was my first favorite driver. That particular car predates me a little, but it sure is nice to see his name again. My mom loves to tell how I would run laps around our house making what I thought were race car noises and exclaiming, "I'm Bobby Isaac!" to anyone or anything within earshot. :D Good job.
Thanks so much for sharing that. One of my earliest memories of stock cars closeup is of that big red truck of Nichols Engineering flying past the family car on the fourlane with that '64 Dodge strapped down on the back of it. Sure wish they still carried them that way. The kids don't know what they're missing and Nascar is missing out on creating new fans the cheap way. LOL
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