While I'm sure the new kit will be much more detailed as a road car I'll bet it won't be any more detailed as a race car than this one my friend built way back when. It even has Smokey's signature X-shaped roll cage.
This car not only survived my friend's childhood but also a divorce auction that saw the sale of my collection of dirt cars go for $2 each. It was one of about a dozen of his older stock cars I had on display in my shop. Since they were on loan to me she had to bring them back(Oh did she hate that!) and they served as the nucleous of my present day collection of vintage stock cars.
This car not only survived my friend's childhood but also a divorce auction that saw the sale of my collection of dirt cars go for $2 each. It was one of about a dozen of his older stock cars I had on display in my shop. Since they were on loan to me she had to bring them back(Oh did she hate that!) and they served as the nucleous of my present day collection of vintage stock cars.