Race Card #74-I'd rather fly Piedmont!



Better take a good look at this 'cause it ain't gonna look like this for long. Although a second generation pilot, it seemed that Cale had just as much trouble landing a stock car as did Johnny Allen, stock car racing's answer to Joie Chitwood.

While everyone knew it wasn't a good idea to try to pass someone in the old Darlington's third turn, Sam McQuagg found out the hard way that it was a dicey operation to try to pass Cale anywhere on that egg shaped oval. After all, he had been running there since he was a kid, literally. They threw him out of the car and finally the race track as an underage rookie in '57 before he was old enough to get a license.

And if you think that Ford looked bad going over that rail you should see some of the pics I've got of it "resting" in Holman Moody's back lot. That little Yarborough guy is tough as a bus station steak.

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