Racing Disussion About Everything But

Continuing the tennis theme, anyone else get bad thoughts during the women's tennis matches when they grunt repeatedly?

You asked for it be9ak7ts16:D
lol......ummm, yeah. :wub:

I remember they used to pre-empt the Nationwide races when a women's tennis match always went in to extra time.

One night, I was waiting for the race and Tatiana Golovin:growl: was in the match that was well over. I was like "WTF is this?" then they showed a close up on her.

"Okay, let me get my popcorn. This will do." :lurk:
OK, I had to google her, and she's a tease!

Look at her peak at the camera...and then, wham...the old racket shaft between the legs pose. :eek:
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