Rainy Daytona


I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
Feb 16, 2009
A short track somewhere
Personally, I think I'll wait 'til Sunday morning before getting even the slightest bit worked up over a forecast. In my experience, fretting about the weather effects nothing except my mood :D
How long before nascar sells advertising space on the Titan? "Downey, the official sponsor of nascar rain delays".
I think that we've been real fortunate as fans of an outdoor sport so dependent on weather.

OK, Mr. Silver lining, you win again.

It doesn't matter much to me, but Pocono and Daytona and a few others had to be a drag for fans at the track.
OK, Mr. Silver lining, you win again.

It doesn't matter much to me, but Pocono and Daytona and a few others had to be a drag for fans at the track.
I've been through it myself a few times where I've have to wait for the next day at the track. I know how they would have felt. It sucks but it's part of it and you plan ahead.
That just looks like the typical forecast for any given day in Florida. It's probably a little early to abandon all hope.
Can we stop bringing that up and leave Juan alone already? ;)

60% chance Sunday, 50% chance Sunday night and Monday, 40% chance Monday night :rolleyes:

(this one's for dpkimmel) guess they should've held the race the week before like they used to.;)

I think NASCAR should just move it to Monday night if it's rained out on Sunday.

http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=29.2108147&lon=-81.02283310000001&site=all&smap=1&searchresult=Daytona Beach, FL, USA

Thanks for duplicating a thread andy
I had to google him to see who he is and now I sure as hell know why I didnt know who he is.
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