Raised Threat Level.


Team Owner
Jan 3, 2002
Northern VA
Folks, they didn't do this because they like the color orange. Things are gonna get bad and I have a bad feeling that it will be soon.

Read up on some of the acts of terrorism that may happen here in the US. I'm talking about "dirty bombs," anthrax, small pox, and other threats. See what the treatments are for some of the things that may happen. You'll be surprised at some of them. Water will take care of a lot of contaminations...

Have an escape plan for you and your family. It doesn't matter if you live in Washington, DC or B. F. E. Iowa. It could happen any and everywhere. Make sure you have one for when you are at work and at home. Make sure routes are planned and mapped and cell phone numbers are exchanged. Keep at least a half of tank of gas in your car.

Supposedly, Bush is going to give Hussein 48 hours to get out of Iraq (which seems like it defeats the purpose of all this) if Blix brings back a bad report from the inspectors. We all know that its not going to happen. That's when we need to be more observant than ever.........

Becareful when you go to malls, sporting events, and other large gatherings of people. Take a minute to look around every so often and see what's going on. Stay alert.

If you see a lot of police and fire personnel going one way, go the other. Don't go see what's going on. You might not be able to tell anyone what you saw. One of the threats out now is targeting "first responders." There is talk that an incident may happen, could be a shooting or even something that looks like a common car accident. After the first responders get there, then something big will happen and take out everybody. Another reason to make sure you are looking over you shoulder......

I'm not saying that you, we, I, anyone should drastically change their lives and way of living. But this is the way things are now. And its going to be like this for a long time. Just use the common sense that you have and watch your back.

Sorry for the dreary post.....
You make a good point here Fergy....we all need to be more observant of our surroundings and the people around us. I am a little tweaked about this upcoming weekend with the 500 .....a couple hundred thousand people all in 1 place, i hope security is really good. I feel once the war in Iraq starts a lot of things will happen around the world and it will take quite a while for things to settle down. I'm not saying that we shouldn't go into Iraq, i'm just saying this is going to start a lot of chit.
This might be a little selfish but what will happen with NASCAR if we do go to war?
Nothing unless something happens at one of the races....a terrorist attack at a race would probably put the kobosh on the season or at least cancel some races.
Fergy, I think you have some valid points, but do you think that some of this is media hype and some of this is pre-hysteria? Or, am I just that naive. I agree that we need to be aware of our surroundings, but I'm begining to feel like we are going to become a police state. I'm not trying to start an argument, I'm just confused and concerned about this whole thing.
NW, I honestly don't know.

I was watching Fox News today and they were talking about a truck that some law enforcement agency had stopped in New York. I'm wondering, "Is this the real thing? Is there a bomb in that truck or is it a false alarm?". Then, without warning, my cable company decided to test the emergency broadcast signal, without any warning. Scared the hell out of me. We also have Avengers set up around Washington, DC right now. Avengers are Hummvees with anti-aircraft missiles. Makes me wonder if they actually know something is about to happen......

The media will blow any and everything out of proportion. That's just the way they are. As far as pre-hysteria, I don't know. I guess there is a fine line between that and protection.

Its going to come down to the individual person or family on how they handle this. I know several years ago, bomb shelters were the going thing. Now, its plastic sheets and duct tape. And I don't know if any of them will do any good if something ever happens. But just having something like that may make people at ease a little more.

I don't think I answered your question, I don't really think I can. Don't really think anyone can......Just do what you and your family think you should do.

And pray.
Praying is probably the best idea. I don't want to go to war and I don't want to see any more people die as a result of terrorist activities. I know that is wishful thinking, but I can always hope........and pray.
People need to watch for things and to have a higher sense of awareness, but all these people grabbing up plastic ect need some prozac or something. People are paranoid.

And as far as I'm concerned, I'm not changing my life style one bit because of this. I refuse to be one of those paranoid people afraid to do anything any longer. I will live my life as I always have, I just pay alittle more attnetion to any objects that don't look like they belong ect. But thats JMO.
I have been keeping up with a lot of articles concerning this subject and from what i can gather and reading between the lines...this threat is not something fabricated by the media. They don't deploy stinger missles in DC. just for show. There has been a lot of chatter that the CIA has picked up recently and that is basically why the threat level has been raised. I also have a few friends out here in the military, airforce and army, that say their security on the posts and bases has been really tight. I think most people take this entire threat level stuff for granted. You shouldn't...bottom line these terrorists will strike again. I don't intend to sound morbid or paranoid here but we must face the fact that these people will not give up in the near future. I haven't changed my routines or become paranoid, but when i see some one i don't know in my neighborhood or a strange truck parked some where that looks out of place i take notice, more so than i did before 911, that is for sure! Just be careful , look around you, pay attention to things. Good website to read up on latest developments: www.worldnetdaily.com
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