Is it just me or is there just too much pre-race show? I mean the build up to the race is getting out of control for crying out loud. I don’t need to know every little thing all the drivers and teams did at last weeks race (I watched it!).
Please spare me every little detail about all the other mindless crap like tires, setup, what happened in qualifying, how wet the rain is, what to name the “digger” cam etc. I mean come on! If I what more information, I can find all I need to over-dose on, on the internet. Is it just me or have the networks decided to broadcast all live sporting events like there some kind of reality show? I’m telling you I don’t need the talking head announcers trying to build up the drama of the race. The race itself builds the drama! And when the TV listings give you the time the broadcast starts, the race should start not more than 10 minutes after. I mean say the prayer, sing the national anthem show the fighters fly over and say “gentlemen start your engines”! Let’s Go Racing!.
Please spare me every little detail about all the other mindless crap like tires, setup, what happened in qualifying, how wet the rain is, what to name the “digger” cam etc. I mean come on! If I what more information, I can find all I need to over-dose on, on the internet. Is it just me or have the networks decided to broadcast all live sporting events like there some kind of reality show? I’m telling you I don’t need the talking head announcers trying to build up the drama of the race. The race itself builds the drama! And when the TV listings give you the time the broadcast starts, the race should start not more than 10 minutes after. I mean say the prayer, sing the national anthem show the fighters fly over and say “gentlemen start your engines”! Let’s Go Racing!.