Lead changes, great, fast track without plates, and fewer tire problems. No nasty looking wrecks (as in CTS yesterday), fantastic track recovery after the July Toenado and more.
i'm back. Been pretty busy the last several weeks......weddings, travel (Hershey, PA) and unfortunately major surgery for a young nephew (approx 7.5 hrs under the knife).
On-topic, I will give the race a 7.5. Perhaps it would have been higher if Gordon had won.
i didn't think it was all that great ...basically 2 cars dominating the race , Junior in the begining to middle and Edwards at the end. Kind of boring for me. I give it a 4.
Give it a 6.5. Actually felt it was a bit boring and listened to the radio broadcast rather than spend a nice day in front of the telly. Glad to see Dale and Mark do so well and Carl deserves a big atta boy as does Jeff Gordon. Two weeks and one win plus one second place. Are the Dupont Warriors back ????