Rate the race: Bud Shootout



Edge of your seat racing for some - while same 'ole, same 'ole for others.
Thought I'd never in a million years see that #24 car get upside down in a Cup race.
Pretty impressive driving I saw in that #18 car. Great photo finish.

I'll give it a 7.9
I'll give it a 8.5, much better than I expected, and KB was damn impressive wheeling that car.
That should silence some of the naysayers on the forum, for a day or two anyway.
- Could have done without all of the carnage though.
- Could have done without all of the carnage though.

I agree , would have preferred a lot more single file racing with a bit of stratagy added and a last lap pass for the win. That's not what the fans want though. All week they have been moaning that it would be two by two racing . They got what they wanted.
9 - very few dull moments. sorry folks, i like the beating and banging. this isn't izod/indy racing.
10:cheers: It doesn't get much better than that! I "m not a Kyle fan but he knows how to drive and he earned that Win
10:cheers: It doesn't get much better than that! I "m not a Kyle fan but he knows how to drive and he earned that Win
Same here, I hope to see more of the Kyle Bush we saw in the Shoot Out. That's what makes Nascar so great.
Back to pack racing and the "BIG ONE" X THREE. Going to be another wreckfest on Thursday and Sunday. Guess NASCAR invested in the Sheet Metal industry. BRING BACK THE 2 CAR TANGO!

Very impressive driving performance by Wild Thing, 2 near wipeouts and wins with a slingshot pass with car with damaged front end. Best piece of driving I have seen since that Black 3 was wheelin around the track.

I give Kyle a 9.75, the SHOOTOUT a unimpressive 5.
Considering the amount of torn up cars I'll give it an 8. It was a no points go for the win event.
I mean to say it could have been a 10 without all the damaged cars.
5...if that. Kyle saved the thing from being a 2.

When most of the fast cars are wrecked as an expected consequence of pack racing, my time would be better spent at a figure 8 race. Huge wrecks aren't racing. If that's considered action, I don't know what to say. Would Tony and Kyle have been fast enough to beat JR, Jamie, JJ, Jeff and the other race leaders?
We'll never know.

What I can't understand is people saying that drivers will get used to it and there wont be these huge pile ups. What? "The big one" has been the rallying call to plate racing for years, and it isn't going to change. For the first year of pod racing, the announcers would scream "IT's the big one", only to be dissapointed when they only got 2 wrecked cars. I guess the fans were too.
Some here think train racing was a good thing, did we see less wrecks, yeh I think so. Was it really racing or was it being dependent on your pusher to get you to the front? For me having two cars glued to the bumper of each other for just about the entire race was the most unatural "racing" I have ever witnessed. At least last night the driving was put back into the drivers hands and not the guy behind him pushing him the entire race. It was exciting, cars got wrecked, but last night pretty much anything goes mentality was the norm throughout the race, do to it being a non points event and one for substantial cash. I don't think we will see a lot of that until maybe 30-40 laps to go in the 500. Just about every Dega race or Daytona the last quarter of the race is mayhem and I don't think that will change no matter if it is train racing or pack racing. Personally I'd take last nights type of plate racing any day over the farce that was last years' 500. I think more of the driving has been given back to the drivers, it's more what racing should be, it isn't ever going to be perfect, but definetly a step in the right direction.
I'm with GARF and FB. Pee Wee was the show - in more ways than one - and he deserves a 9 for his ability and a bonus point for the win.

My 1 to 10 scale is an automatic 1 to 6 scale for a Plate Race because no Plate Race will ever be a 10 in my book.

I'd give Pee Wee a 10.
I'd give the Bud Shootout a 5.
A 2,
Because TOO many cars where tore up! Several Hundred Thousand of junk cars loaded to head to the junkyard :mad:
The cars with the new rules are up on edge with the grip in the tires and track you have to free them up to make speed and not bog in the corners. With the new rear spoiler spring package and extended rear bumper cover there's no good balance. Once freed up another driver if he understands the situation can loosen you up to where you have to peddle or wreck.
Hopefully the twins will help everyone get a handle on it and not be crashfest's.
Average of the above votes , 7.5 , from a low of 2 to a high of 10. Proving once again ,that you can't please everybody so you got to please yourself.
Would Tony and Kyle have been fast enough to beat JR, Jamie, JJ, Jeff and the other race leaders?
We'll never know.

There were 3 pack of cars. The 3rd pack was just a few car lengths back from Tony's pack and gaining fast. The 2nd pack was already catching the leaders even with out the 3rd pack joining, but with one big pack they would have caught the leaders within a lap.

I'll rate it a 9 way better than tandem or train (single file) racing. Reminded me of a Saturday night race at most local short tracks with less cars.
9.5 because any race where Kasey turns himself in the wall isn't a 10. I'll agree with nascage though I never expected to see Gordon on his roof, no matter how many times I did it to my toy 24 as a kid:D
I guess that's what they were shooting for, because they ended the race with a lot less cars. ;)

Not a bad idea. I've been saying for years there wouldn't be so many wrecks if there wasn't 43 cars out there racing. I'm one for heat races to see who runs in the main, instead of qualifying 43 cars.
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