I slept through about 150 laps, so I'll give it a 4, good nap material.
Who sang the Anthem? Childress should punch him in the throat to spare us.
Dayum, who picks these people????
6. Good to see BK win, smart racing in the end even though I hate fuel mileage races.
I give it a 6. Jeff was running good so I wasn't depressed for half the race.. seriously though, it was good to watch him pass cars. The ending........ 2. I really would have liked Junior to pull it off. I'm not fond of BK or his style...reminds me too much of the guy he calls "an ass." Pot, meet kettle. LOL

The race did provide a little drama towards the end. The highlight of the day, for me, was when in victory lane, Brad Keselowski sprayed beer on his pit crew and told Fox reporter Krista Voda not to worry, that he "wouldn't spray beer on a lady". Voda replied something like, "I'll let you know when a lady is nearby".:D
I'll have to say 5. Some decent moments in there and some drama at the end.
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