Rate The Race Kansas


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
What a confusing race! There were how many leaders? How many bizzarre incidents? It was HOW HOT?
I'm not thrilled with "Fuel Mileage" racing anyway, but I'm happy for Tony.
It was sure nice to see a former Teamate (Terry Labonte) give Jeff G a push to pit road when he did, even though it didn't really help in the grand sceme of things.
Kat gives it a 7.5
I loved the race ! It had every kind of scenario you can imagine --- and even couple I didn't see coming.

I was as out of gas as Tony by the time he rolled across the line.

I'll give it an 8.5. :)
Standing behind DJ's pit stall a race long and with unlimited access to both garages and pit road all weekend long allows me to rate this race weekend a 10. :beerbang:
I'll give it a 9.5, It would've been a 10 if Robby won!!
Gotta give this one a 9+. Lotsa crazy stuff going on. Spins that made me think everyone was Merry-go-round happy. LOL
Sure wish Robby could get some good engine support. I like him and he really trys and works hard to do everything he can.
Sorry that Jeff G. had that fuel problem. wonder how the ending would have been had he not???? Happy that Jeffie B. is hanging in there too. Like him a lot. And, Bless Tony!!!!! Ran outta gas and still won!!!!! Now how emotional a win can ya get???? Teammates pushing teammates........... when was the last time we saw that in a Cup race???? Been a while..
Yep; I enjoyed the race!!!!! A lot!!!!!
I give it a 8. The grace was great. Fuel mileage races are great...you never know what the out come will be...i'ts always exciting wondering who will make it.
8, i was entertained for most of it, especially when tony ran out of gas, i was jumping up and down for casey mears to pass him, until he ran out..
For the abundant action I would give it an 8, but because I cannot stand fuel mileage races, I'll have to give it a 5.
To me, a race won by fuel strategy is just as lucky as leading a race, 1 lap past halfway, when the sky opens up.
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