What is it with North Americans and rain?, can't they drive in a bit of wet weather?. Ambrose was ripped off, through the consistent FAILURE of local drivers to be able to keep their cars on the track in a little bit of rain. Had the meeting run its course, Ambrose would have lapped the WHOLE field, and whoever watched knows this as a highly likely fact. Except for the record amount of restarts made by all the local crash artists in the race, i rate the race a total farce, and a joke from the drivers efforts and skill i seen on display. I guess they can only turn one way, like oval track racing. Ugly racing at its finest. Watch the the Bathurst 1000 if you would like to see a display of what a real touring car driver is, or at the very least, should be capable of doing. Being the son of some has-been, does not qualify you to be a racer living off a name built by someone else. Heads up for NASCAR owners.....start sourcing your drivers in Australia, then you may have some success, or a straight car anyway.
Thinking of emigrating to the U.S. to open a body repair shop....i will be rich.