I'll give it a good 8, 2 for both Fox and the youngsters here for giving too much attention to Digger. Mag, ya gotta let it go.
race : 6

coverage I thought it was a National Geographic special on gophers
If I'm not mistaken, its Fox that is giving too much attention to Digger.

I will give the race a 7.
I'll give the race a 7. It started out looking like it was gonna be a stinker, but ended up not too bad. Listening to the radio and muting the Fox crew is a serious improvement, and I'll probably make that the standard now.
I'll give it a 7.
As for coverage I like watching DW and Hollywood Hammond.:D
7 It wasn't always exciting, but it was weird enough to keep my attention. What was going to happen next?!!! :)
6...... was about a 8.5, until Mark blew........lol.
Give it a 7.

Personal thoughts, it is good to see JGordon scraping for another position again.
FOX sux, the commentators sound like they are being condescending to the listening audience.
FOX sux, the commentators sound like they are being condescending to the listening audience.

They are Whiz, they are. They don't want guys like us with dirt under their nails and oil stained T-shirts anymore. People who did it. They want Buffy and Muffy in their Dockers and blazers, drinking whine with a Golden Retreiver in their Lexus. Cartoons to lure kids in, digger,,,,,don't get me started.

I'm sick of the cutesy-wutesy banter, the "reach up there and pull them belts tight,,," boogity,boogity krap. The cut-away car, AAARRRGGGGHHHHHHHH

I'm going to be 62 this year, they don't have to explain every week what a rubber does,,,,,,:eek: KWIM? :p
I didn't think it was that good of a race. Looks like I'm in the minority. I was going to give it a 4.
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