Ready for the Daytona 500...on Monday?

Damn! Doesn't look good. I'm finaly ready for the 500 (by finally I mean up until now I barely gave a crap) and now we'll probably have to wait another day. They have lights, but the weather channel says 70% or higher until about 3 in the morning.
Of course, earlier in the week they were saying they were having some of the best weather they've had in a while ........ grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I can watch tomorrow, but hubby has to work and well, I've just been looking forward to it!!!!!!! :(
Thank goodness for the DVR, have a 8am meeting so I can't call in sick, will not be as much fun without the scanner. Nascar Now is saying that Tommy Baldwins guys have to leave (don't know about the pit crew) irregardless so they can get to California but I bet there will be guys there to help. I'll just keep praying those weaather people are wrong
The Daytona 500 has never been postponed.Maybe we make a little history today.
The chance of rain has diminished to 40% and the big cell that was headed for International Speedway Blvd. has broken up.
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