There are a two ways to secure and keep a top ride in NASCAR's top divisions nowadays.
1. Be really, really good.
2. Be really, really pretty.
Being both is optimum, but Kerry is niether. I've still got a secret concerning Kim Crosby at left btw who may not be really, really good but she sure as heck is really, really pretty.
Everybody else is bass out.
To which Whizzer responds.......
Now there ya go 71Fan, a perfect opportunity to open the door to a new thread.
Who got thier ride because they are either (a) really, really, good OR ( very pretty OR both (d) a promoters and publicist dream.
Let's start with Kim Crosby. She definitely is a looker but there must be a modicum of talent underneath the attractive exterior. How much ?? Guess we'll wait to find out when she tangles with the big dogs. It would be nice if she made it on talent with personal appearance being a second place item.
Since God made man and woman, most likely the thoughts of the male will revert to the primate correlation to the female species and opportunity offered for the wrong reason, if it wasn't already. Unfortunately, this increases the pressure already placed on her to do well.
There are definitely others who have talent and looks, talent and no looks or just looks, but the fans certainly must have thier own thoughts on who falls into which category. So go for it folks.